3 Reasons Parents Must Pursue Their Purpose


Parents! Have you ever felt stuck in a rut? Have you ever felt like you don’t have time for anything other than your children? I have been there. I found myself, tired, overwhelmed and unfulfilled.

Before your children, you had lots of hopes, dreams, and aspirations, but now those dreams seem impossible. You keep giving yourself reasons why you can’t do the things that you once dreamed.

My Story

Before I wrote my book, “The Purposeful Parent,” this was what I was feeling. I had this dream in my heart. I wanted to let everyone know that they were born with a purpose. I knew that was my purpose. However, like a lot of parents, I felt overwhelmed, tired, and stressed out.

My daughter was in gymnastics three days a week. My son had football three days a week. I was on the Praise Team at church, and sometimes I taught classes at the Bible School that we did. On top of this, I was dealing with a lot of personal issues in life. I am talking about issues that were life-changing and required a lot of attention. I had a lot going on.

One day, on the phone with my counselor, I was explaining all of this, and we came up with the idea of writing a book. Initially, I laughed because I was so caught up in my schedule. I couldn’t imagine where I would find the time to write a book. What I later realized was that this was the key I was missing.

Writing the book steered me in the direction of the dreams that I had in my heart before my children. When I started pursuing my purpose, everything else in my life fell into the right places.

3 Reasons We Need to Pursue Our Purpose

Parents, we were made for a purpose in addition to being a parent. Don’t get me wrong, being a parent is essential and it is a big part of our lives. I love being a father. It is one of the greatest joys of my life. However, we were made for a purpose beyond parenthood and here is why we need to pursue this purpose now!

  1. We Are Healthier When Live Our Purpose

When we pursue our purpose, we are the happiest that we will ever be. We all have a gift on the inside of us. We all have a talent that is God-given. This gift/talent is what gives us energy, strength, and gives us a feeling of fulfillment in our lives.

When we do what we were created to do, we will live the life that we were meant to live. That’s living life to the fullest. That’s being a Purposeful Parent.

  1. We Are an Example to Our Children

Our children learn by example. They are learning from us when they are around us. Sometimes it seems like they are most observant when we are unaware that they are looking. If we want our children to live their life to the fullest, the best way is to set the example ourselves.

If we want our children to fulfill their purpose, we must fulfill our purpose.

  1. Now Is the Time; Not Later

There is power in not waiting for the perfect time. The truth in life is that there is NEVER an ideal time to begin. There is NEVER a perfect time to JUMP in the unknown. Initially, I was giving myself every reason why I shouldn’t write a book. I told myself “Too many things are going on. When will I find the time? I don’t know what to do.”

Whatever we prioritize, we will find the time to do.

  • Question to You

What is it that you know that you were created to do?

Have you started to pursue it or have you focused on the reasons that you can’t do it?

What can you do TODAY to move you towards your purpose?

Let me know in the comments below or email me at devon@devondaniel.com and let me know. If you feel stuck, I can help you move forward with the purpose that you were created to fulfill.

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